Boulder County and City Street Tree Planting Guide.

If Boulder County or Boulder City requires you, the homeowner, to install trees and/or shrubs for your new home, business, or project. CreekSide Tree Nursery offers discounts on those plants used to complete your job.

Please mention this page to take advantage of this special offer. You must provide a building permit or site plan review as proof.

Below you will find basic information for plants as probably required by the city and county of Boulder in Colorado.

Minimum size requirements for all Boulder County and City approved trees:

We use age as a major factor to price trees and shrubs. We measure trees and shrubs in different ways. The older a plant is the larger or more mature it will be. Maturity plays a large role in the price of a plant. In most cases we measure evergreens trees by their vertical height, deciduous trees by their trunk diameter and shrubs by their pot size. Each of these ways of measuring is subject to special situations and is not 100% inclusive.
Boulder County and City wants you to plant minimum sizes as follows.
  • Deciduous shade trees starting at 2” caliper or diameter trunk.
  • Ornamental and flowering trees starting at 1 ½”caliper or diameter trunk.
  • Evergreens trees starting at 5’ tall.
  • Shrubs or bushes in a #5 container.

Tags on Trees

  • Labels that identify the botanical or common name must be on all trees at the final inspection.

Colorado State Noxious weeds

  • All landscape plans must comply with the current state weed and nursery lists. Consult the Colorado State noxious weed list for additional information.

Links to additional resources

City Landscaping FAQ’s.

Emerald Ash Borer County Info


Please consult your specific guidelines for your job as some details can change from project to project.