A COLORADO TREE COMPANY who cares about understanding your needs and adapts to meet them.
A project team with intense focus on innovation, improvement, and diligent follow-through.
The peace of mind in knowing that you will receive consistent, high-quality, and cost-effective products and services.
Reputation: From the first time you call or step foot on our nursery you will receive the highest quality of service and value.
Experience: CreekSide Tree Nursery has been family owned and operated since 1993. Each member of our staff is dedicated to their profession.
Commitment: We always guarantee our products and will continue to provide Colorado’s premium nursery stock and landscape material. We will gladly provide references upon your request.
Technology: CreekSide Tree Nursery uses the highest quality tools and product technologies available to create the best possible landscape experience. We are continually updating our planting techniques, products, and equipment to stay on the cutting edge of our industry. You will never find old, rusted, or broken down equipment at our facility.
We Sell Big Trees.
CreekSide Tree Nursery specializes in the sale of LARGE nursery stock. We provide trees and shrubs that give the discriminating customer the satisfaction of money well spent. Our customers actually get a TREE and not a small stick.
Our goal is to provide our customer with both products and services that enhance their property and add value to every aspect of their yard. We take great pride in our work and we take it very seriously.
Our Core Values are Customer Service, Innovation, Integrity, and Education.
Since 1993, CreekSide Tree Nursery not only provides its customers with healthy nursery grown plant material at a cost below its competitors, but also offers a warranty and outstanding customer service to each and every customer. In addition, CreekSide provides local, up-to-date horticultural information. Our service does not stop with the completion of the sale—that is when it starts.
CreekSide Tree Nursery customers demand high quality stock and we can deliver. Our commitment to long-term relationships means that we must understand the changing needs of our customers and earn that right to continue to serve them by doing a great job – year in and year out.
Why do you specialize in LARGE trees?
Below is a group of our favorite questions to answer. First and foremost, we love, just love, large trees. We like selling trees to our customers that give them “instant gratification.” We like seeing the birds making nests in our trees because they feel as if they’ve been there for years. We just like the feeling we get after we’ve planted one in someone’s yard and literally transformed it. Yet, another reason we specialize in large trees is because that’s our niche. It’s our way of competing with other nurseries and it seems to be something high in demand.
Is their survival rate the same when compared to smaller trees when installed?
As far as survival rates for larger trees—yes, your tree has just as good of chance, if not a better one, of surviving an installation as smaller ones do. One thing we want our customers to remember is that we only sell healthy, root pruned, correctly-dug trees. That means that because each root ball is dug in direct proportional ratios to the size of the tree’s trunk, each tree has the same chance of survival. With larger trees, however, there are larger amounts of essential roots developed, which are stored within the root ball–this makes the trees survivability skyrocket as it’s less reactive to the installation, weather changes, and shock. In essense, it has a large reservoir of life to pull from just in case. So many small trees have such a small amount of essential roots developed that they tend to need a lot more care initially. And one or two missed watering can prove detrimental for a small tree. A larger one, however, isn’t as dramatically affected so suddenly.
We’ve heard people say that friends have told them that “a smaller tree will thrive and grow faster than a larger tree and, thus, catch up to the larger tree in no time.” And that “while the larger tree will take longer to establish its roots and, thus, remain the same size for many years, the smaller tree has be ‘catching up’ with it during the same time-frame.” The thought behind this is, “Why buy a larger tree, when you can invest a smaller amount and know the trees will each be the same size in a few years?” Well, we disagree. First of all, the larger tree will not remain the same size for many years: In five years, a larger version of the same tree will, undoubtedly, be larger in size than the smaller tree. But many times a few years isn’t just five. Some tree grow quickly, others take 10+ years to really develop and take off. Therefore, some trees will always be dramatically different in size if planted at varying ages. Others might look relatively close in age over time. In addition to the trees growing a different rates, when you plant a larger tree, you get a large tree that day! There is no waiting for it to get the size you want. Most people don’t plant trees for the next owners of their homes; therefore, you shouldn’t plant a tree that you won’t get to enjoy because of its smaller size. Even though a larger tree does cost more, you’re only paying what is fair for its age. At our nursery, we not only have a high quality, large tree selection, we guarantee to have the best price in all of Boulder County. Thus, know that you’re making a good decision in your tree purchases and feel confident that you’ve done your research.
Are they a good investment for my home?
As for the tree being a good investment… There are many people who ask us for a “fast-growing tree” because they think it’s the best way to go when deciding what tree to plant in their yard as time is usually of the essence. Yet, as with most things, there are prices to pay for “fast-growing trees.” For one, the faster the tree grows, the softer the bark. The softer the bark, the more likely the tree is to break in winds and snows. Let us take care of finding a well cared-for tree so that you can focus your energies on finding a larger tree, rather than one that just grows fast. For your money and overall investment, a larger tree is better than a “faster” tree.
Invest In Trees?
By planting a tree you can increase the value of your home up to 15 percent while reaping the benefits now.
Take a look outside and see how you can create a living investment.
If you spend 5 percent of the value of your home on landscaping, and do it wisely, you might get 150 percent or more of your money back. And sometimes that number can go even higher. If your home’s landscaping is on the low-end for the area and you’re putting it on par with your neighbors, you could be looking at around a 15 percent rise in value. This is big money that can add to your equity. This is a very easy and often over-looked investment.
Trees catch rainwater, some of which soaks into the ground, leaving less to overflow gutters and sewer drains. Tree canopies create cooling shade that can lower temperatures—and cooling bills—outside and inside the house. Deciduous trees let sunlight through to warm the house in winter. In one year, a single tree can provide up to $300 worth of benefits in air conditioning, pollution reduction, erosion, storm-water control, and wildlife shelter.
…For A More Sound Investment
This a hard question to answer for some, yet it’s easy for others. In the nursery industry, there are a few simple rules that make our life easy when we are looking at purchasing and pricing plant material.
- Pricing is usually determined by size and quality.
- Size, as in the tree’s trunk caliper/diameter, is relative to age in each particular variety. However a tree’s height does not always reflect a tree’s age.
- Do not buy single trunked trees by the height of the tree. You will never know what you are getting.
- Evergreens, multi-stem trees (some aspens/birch), and large shrubs are priced by height.
- Most trees should be priced by the diameter or “Caliper” of the trees trunk. i.e. 2″, 2.5″, 4″ etc…
- Also small shrubs in pots are usually priced within a variety and size of pot.
- Try not to purchase trees and plants over the phone unless you have visited the nursery prior.
- When possible, always visit the plants and look at them. See how they are taken care of and what condition they’re in.
- Try not to buy trees just based on the price. You will that find over time, it’s not worth it and time is exactly what you are paying for with plants and trees.
Remember when you are suprised by a price or not sure if what you want is the right thing then please ask questions, stop by and view the material, and please let us help direct you towards the right plants. Our staff has handled almost every situation and we are eager to help you.
If post-planting irrigation will be infrequent, then field grown trees may perform better than those from containers. Container trees can take longer to establish their roots in the landscape than field-grown trees.
CreekSide Tree Nursery does not sell any plants or trees that were “grown” in the container.
Please do not get this confused with “Containerized Trees” The trees you purchase at CreekSide that are in pots were not grown in the pot, they were placed in the pot for ease of transport and sale for their size. You will notice however that CreekSide sells many more B&B or “Balled and Burlapped” trees. This form of trees is one of the most common and is easily transplanted with great success in Colorado. By learning more about your trees and the terminology in this industry it will make you feel better that the trees or plants you purchase are the best possible for the climate and the money.
Often we are asked this question.
Is this a good time or a bad time to plant trees & shrubs?
We are selling and planting trees everyday and it’s entirely okay! When someone tells you this is a bad time to plant trees, typically they do not understand the difference between transplanting and replanting or the difference between planting a tree, herb, or vegetable…
Planting trees this time of year is still perfectly fine.
The trees we sell fall under the REPLANTING category and are already dug and above ground, ready to be planted at anytime. We pre-dig in the “safe season” so that planting is possible for many months during the year. Think about this: Barring a lack of water, wouldn’t a tree be happier in the ground with you, rather than in a bag or bucket at our place? =) In opposition, TRANSPLANTING is the act of digging an existing tree out of the ground and then replanting it. This is usually only advised for specific, cooler, parts of the year as the survival rate of such trees can be dramatically lessened. If you have any questions in regards to this topic please ask us! Come check us out.
How should I be watering my new trees/shrubs?
It is very hard to over water your tree during these heat waves…possible, but very hard. If you miss a watering, your tree will show you: droopy or yellow leaves means it needs more water! If you miss a few watering sessions, it can cause trouble. With proper watering, your trees/shrubs will be just fine and continue to thrive in the heat.
Always remember to review your watering schedule in these times of extreme weather.
In Colorado more than 50% of newly installed plants die over the winter.
Winter watering is very important in Colorado. If you forget to water you plants in the winter it can lead to disease, damage, or death. Water at least twice a month. Four times per month is recommended.
We recommend reviewing your winter watering schedule and asking questions.
More About Colorado Native Trees and Shrubs
Native Plants?
What exactly is a native plant and what does that mean for my landscape?
Some of the information found here can also be found on the CSU Extension service website located here in Colorado.
- Colorado native plants are typically thought of as existing prior to any settlement.
- Native plants are typically distinct to the region.
- Native plants will aid in natural wildlife habitats.
- If you landscape with native plants you will help promote Colorado’s biodiversity for years to come.
Why Native Trees?
There are many benefits when planting native trees and shrubs. The plants are naturally adapted to the harsh Colorado climate. This means less worry about location, water, soils, and fertilizers. Your will still need to establish them before leaving them alone. The time needed to establish is typically much less.
We carry the majority of Colorado’s native trees and shrubs that are best suited for the Boulder County region.
These varieties are best for transplanting and will typically be among the easiest to care for. Some native plants are difficult to grow and/or transplant. Because of this fact some plants are not always readily available.
What about non-native plants?
There are many factors when choosing plants for your Colorado landscape. Because Colorado has such a diverse elevation and topography you can find native plants in many different areas. Some varieties are very picky about their location and others can be quite forgiving. When choosing a plant your should always consider the exposure as well as the cold hardiness. Most of the time when purchasing a tree or shrubs from a reputable garden center or nursery these questions can be answered with ease.
While we sell 100’s of native plants, growing native trees does not exclude the use of non-native trees and shrubs. Many times a day we are ask if all the trees we sell are natives. When we answer no, some people become shocked. Many people think non-native plants will not grow here and that is simply not the case. There are many more non-native plants that do well here than there are native plants. When purchasing trees and shrubs from CreekSide we will make it a priority to inform all our customers on the good and the bad of each plant, especially the difficult ones…sometimes at the loss of that particular sale. It is more important for us to get you the right plant for the right place than to just sell you something that will be dead because of the wrong moisture, light, and/or soil requirements.
I planted a “Native Tree” now what?
Sometimes we hear people say they want native trees and shrubs because they will be able to set and forget. That is very incorrect. A native plant must be established just like a non-native. While you might be able to skip some of the pitfalls that a non-native tree or shrub may have, there are many similarities that must be addressed.
Successful establishment requires supplemental watering…yes, in the winter…yes, even if there is snow…yes, even if your hose is frozen. If you are in the mountains you might tend to think all those trees got established without water so why would your new tree need any. Wrong. All those trees you see are approx 2-15% of what actually grew to create that forest. Those are the toughest trees and they only established themselves because they started as a seed. Your new plant is not that lucky. I 9 out of 10 cases your new plant will die if not cared for properly. In the other cases it will be stunted or damaged, taking years to repair. Not watering properly in the first season can result in many years of having to baby your tree or shrub.
Pruning is also important and can be often forgotten on native plants. If you do not prune your plants your will have damage from wind and snow. Colorado trees get blown down and damaged in snow storms all year long. Your will never be 100% safe but with proper care and pruning your trees and shrubs will outlast the majority that do not.
While you should not overlook all the non-native options for your landscape, native trees and shrubs can be a great choice and can offer many benefits.
Here are some tips for installing and maintaining a privacy screen or hedge.
Some of the information found here can also be found on the CSU Extension service website located here in Colorado.
Hedges have been a part of landscapes since the beginning of landscaping. Whether you are planting for a privacy screens, a separator/barrier, or for simply ornamental reasons, there are lots of plants to choose from. Use this guide to make your hedge install go as smoothly as possible.
Plant Choice
Selecting the proper plant for a hedge is important. For a formal hedge you should select plants that are uniform in size and overall shape and is characterized by repetition of the same plant and is kept in shape and in bounds by pruning. While informal hedges use a variety of plants and plant sizes. The mix of plants used can include both evergreen and deciduous (flowering and non-flowering) varieties. When deciding which type, consider the amount of maintenance you are willing or able to provide.
Consider the following:
- Planting location
- Area’s exposure
- Room for growth
- Flowering, Deciduous, or Evergreen
- Moisture conditions
- How long you want to wait before the hedge is effective.
Depending on the shrubs or trees you choose the hedge can be formal or informal, evergreen or deciduous, and less-expensive or more-expensive. It is very important when starting your hedge to ask how long small shrubs will take to fill in to become the hedge you want. If you start small then you will save money while sacrificing time.
Installation and Spacing
When planting spacing is important for a couple of reasons. You want to make sure they will eventually touch so pay attention to the height and width. You should also be sure to ask how long it will take to reach those mature sizes. It is typically to space the plants closer than the mature size so they will grow into one another and create a more dense hedge while accomplishing the task in less time. This is especially important for hedges that are sheared or formal kept. When planting a hedge drip irrigation is very important as you want consistent growth.
Ask yourself if the hedge you want is going to either be a formal heavily pruned hedge or an informal lightly/unpruned hedge. If you are wanting a formal look it is important to prune regularly. If you skip years your hedge will become out of control and it can take years to repair. If you hedge gets too large or has not be maintained you will need to do a heavy pruning. This will be a major pruning and in most cases should occur in the fall. The plant will need time to rebuild but it will look much better and be healthier for it.
Horticulturist work and conduct research in the disciplines of gardening and landscaping, plant propagation and cultivation, crop production, plant breeding and genetic engineering, plant biochemistry, and plant physiology. In addition Horticulturists tend to be versed in all or many of the plant techniques that Arborists practice. The work of a Horticulturists involves fruits, berries, nuts, vegetables, flowers, trees, shrubs, and turf. Horticulturists work to create beautiful landscapes, improve crop yield, quality, nutritional value, and resistance to insects, disease, and environmental stresses. Horticulturists can work in industry, government, or educational institutions or private collections. They can be cropping systems engineers, wholesale or retail business managers, garden center employees, greenhouse growers, propagators and tissue culture specialists (fruit, vegetables, ornamentals, and turf), crop inspectors, crop production advisers, extension specialists, plant breeders, research scientists, and of course, teachers.
Arborists, or tree surgeons are professionals in the practice of arboriculture, which is the management an maintenance of ornamental or shade trees. Work can include tree surgery and also care of shrubs, vines, and other perennial woody plants. An arborist is distinct from a forester, or from a logger. Those professions may have much in common, but the scope of work is different. Arborists frequently focus on health and safety of individual trees, or wooded landscapes, rather than managing forests or harvesting wood.
A Horticulturist may also have experience as an arborist and can address tree issues in your landscape, just as an arborist may have additional horticultural and landscaping knowledge. If you hire any professional to assist you in your landscape, you should always ask for credentials to determine the individual’s background, regardless of the title they may be using.
Master Gardener – Master Gardener Programs are volunteer programs affiliated with a Cooperative extension service office and a land-grant university that educates the public on gardening and horticultural issues. Typically Master Gardeners answer questions via phone, speak at public events and participate in community gardening displays. Individuals that pursue Master Gardener training are generally amateur gardeners with an interest in community outreach and supporting the professional community. Master Gardener is not a professional certification and should not confused with professional degrees or certifications.
Professional Services by CreekSide Tree Nursery
We offer more than just products.
While our employees are equipped to do many jobs we have chosen to specialize in a few key aspects within the landscape industry. Here is a list that outlines the most common services we offer.
Free Professional Loading: Each plant must be handled with care before, during, and certainly as they are leaving the nursery. The process of loading a plant into a vehicle is never the same. Each plant has a different shape and each vehicle has different spaces available to load the plants into. We take pride in loading our plants into your vehicle without damaging either one.
Nursery Consultation: Our goal is link every customer with the right plant for the right job. When you visit CreekSide you will have the opportunity to consult with our educated staff to determine which plant is right for you. This process can be huge so please bring photos, drawings, and as much information as possible so we can do our very best.
On-site Consultation: While we strive to help each and every customer with finding the right tree and shrubs sometimes a site visit is the best option. If you need us to do any on-site consultation we will come out to you property and do our best to answer each and every question you have. Our rates depends on the scope of the job and distance traveled. Please ask us for details. While we can give you great suggestions, advice, and general pointing in the right direction we will not be telling you what you “have to plant”. We do not create landscape plans. Our goal is to get you to best tree for the location not to design your yard. If you want more direction outside of what we can offer just ask and we can direct you to someone that can help.
Planting and Installation: Every tree requires a different approach. While some are slight, if the installer does not understand the subtleties of each plant and the steps involved in correctly installing them you may have issues with your long-term investments. We know our plants forwards and backwards.
Delivery: This can be very simple for some and a daunting task to others. We are equipped to delivery anything we sell in a safe and efficient manner. With that said we are happy to help you find additional delivery methods depending on the situation.
Professional Installation
So you bought a tree. What now?
Installation can be very difficult of a simple process if thought out correctly. We offer tools on this website for you to properly plant your trees all by yourself. It won’t be easy the first time but it will certainly be done right if you follow our instructions.
Now if you want to make this process enjoyable and easy then hiring us to plant your trees and shrubs will be the best decision you could make. 75% of people that have installed there own tree in the past will hire it out the next time they purchase a tree.
There are many reasons people have us plant but the most common are below:
- Killed the tree by not following the instructions from start to finish.
- Killed the tree because they damaged it during the install.
- Damaged the tree beyond repair. Sometimes this is only cosmetic but it may lead to disease.
- Hurt themselves
- Damaged to their property, tools, vehicle, etc…
Many people tend to think digging the hole is 90% of the job. For some situations that may be but in 99% of the cases it is not an issue. You can see from the list above that the majority of the cases are due to the trees weight. Being able to move the tree from point A to point B is the biggest hassle. It is often forgotten that these are living things and they have to be treated with a fine touch. If you beat the plant up while moving it you will kill it.
This is where we come in. Our staff is educated and prepared to do one of the most efficient and high end installation you can find in the industry. We are fast but that does not mean we cut corners. For 15+ years we have been perfecting our installation techniques to be the best at what we do. Every installation unless otherwise noted is all inclusive. This means you do not need anything else to get the planting done right when you hire us. There are no add-ons or up-sells. We give you a fixed price and that includes everything necessary to install the product properly.
With more than 10,000 trees planted there is nothing that we haven’t seen. We know what it takes to do a great job for you.
Professional Delivery
Getting the plants from A to B
Delivery is one of the simplest services we offer. The cost is dependent on the size of the tree and the location we are delivering to.
- The trees will be wrapped or covered by a tree tarp to protect them from damaged during the trip. We take pride in protecting your trees from any sort of damage.
- The trucks we deliver with are all wrapped with vinyl showing our logos and various designs.
- A delivery is usually only a one man job. If a second operator is needed the cost will be adjusted as necessary.
- Commonly we will deliver 10′ from where the truck can drive. The truck cannot drive off-road.
- A small tractor (Dingo) is needed to move most of our trees. We use this to off load the trees onto your property. A shaded area is preferred.
- Any additional products purchased for delivery will be dropped off near the plants.
- Delivery to the pre-dug hole. We will place it in the hole if dug to exact specifications.
- Delivery to the rear of the property. We charge based on the specifics. We use google maps to determine costs involved.
- Delivery is available outside our normal delivery hours, delivery range, and deliveries on the weekend. All charged accordingly.
We can customize the delivery to best suite your needs just ask us for details. The more specific you can be the easier it is for us to quote on the spot.
Our Warranty
Thank you for your plant purchase from CreekSide Tree Nursery. Please remember that plants are living things and they need to be cared for as such. Newly planted plants cannot be left to fend for their own for the first few years after being installed in your Colorado landscape. Success with your new plant is directly related to the amount of care it is given. CreekSide Tree Nursery has been in business since 1993 and we have been very successful because we are honest and fair in our assessments on guarantee claims. With that said we do not like to be contacted with the phrase, “My plant is dead.” We know your plant did not die over night and typically these situations could be avoided with proper care and contact. Plants die in stages and often if noticed can be saved. Please call us with any questions you may have about your plants health and care.
CreekSide Tree Nursery guarantees plants as follows:
THE WARRANTY: CreekSide Tree Nursery covers the loss of the above nursery plant product(s) at a rate of 50% of the purchase price per plant (one for one) for one year from the date of purchase unless otherwise stated. Each product’s credit covered under warranty must be applied to one product and must be used within 30 days after issue. Upon receiving the nursery stock, the customer accepts this warranty and all other offers are void unless stated and signed on this invoice at the time of purchase. This warranty does not cover any services or seasonal products.
TERMS OF PURCHASE: ALL PURCHASES AND TRANSACTIONS ARE FINAL. NO RETURNS ARE ALLOWED FOR ANY REASON. Upon receipt of said material, you are acknowledging that the plant material is as ordered, matches this invoice, and is in good condition. You are also taking responsibility for the plant material and its care from that point forward. If you have not received the plant material your monies paid to CreekSide can be used as a credit within the nursery, but no refunds will be given.
TERMS OF PAYMENT: All accounts are due on receipt, unless credit approval has been established. We charge $25 for returned checks. This is a contract and by signing you agree to pay all fees according to this contract.
TERMS OF SERVICE: CreekSide Tree Nursery does not warranty any services. While we take every possible measure to ensure your plant(s) will be installed with the highest level of accuracy and care, but we cannot be held responsible for the viability of your plant(s) due to many factors such as, but not limited to, weather, care, acts of God, accidents, and/or pests/animals. We cannot be held responsible for any damage to items such as, but not limited to, electrical, water, sewer, irrigation, drainage, stone, sod, edging, or any of the customer’s property that is not mentioned by the customer in the installation questionnaire and marked as such on-site by the customer or by the “811” locating services.
Return Policy
All transactions are final. No returns or refunds after the stock has been paid for and/or tagged and/or removed from the premise.
Exchange Policy
All transactions are final. No returns or refunds after the stock has been paid for and/or tagged. If the stock has not been removed from the premise you may at CreekSide’s discretion be able to apply the amount paid for your item towards another item of equal or greater value. You may also be able to apply your amount paid towards a gift card that can be used at a later date. The options can only be used on a case by case basis and will require special permissions.
Our story…
After approximately two summers of hard work, Jason decided to get his business license in selling nursery stock. He had been fairly successful selling perennials during the prior summers and wanted to pursue nursery work even further by trying to make it a permanent job. The year was 1995 and Jason was only 13 years old. This is the foundation of J’s & Grant’s Plants: A hardworking, self-propelled, young boy who found that his summer job was just as fun as the times he spent skateboarding.
During the summer of 1993,
Jason considered expanding the business to make his own money. This was the easiest way he could think of to continue spending money on skateboarding. As a result, Jason began selling perennials on his parents’ property. With the guidance of his ambitious father, and the support of his mother, Jason spent his savings (birthday, Christmas money, etc) on 6,000 perennials from a company that was going out of business. Over the course of three years, Jason cared for the perennials, even up-shifting the ones growing too big in their pots, and hoped that his hard work would pay off. He placed a cardboard sign on the side of 61st St. and hoped passers-by would be interested in making a purchase. By 1995, Jason had managed to sell nearly half of his plants and although he once sold a “thistle” (on accident) to a customer who thought it was a beautiful purple flower, he had really made a go at his business.
Jason continued to grow his business each year during the summer months and he stayed in school long enough to graduate from CU with a degree in Business Management. However, the years leading up to the present were hardly easy. Around the year 1996, Jason had earned enough money to help contribute to a skate park that was built on his property. At age 15, Jason realized his job was just as fun as work. Where else could he skateboard all day long and keep watch over arriving customers at the same time? In 1998, Jason decided that he wanted to expand. He purchased around thirty #25 2″ trees and added to his sign on the road that in addition to his perennials, he was now selling trees. By 2002, Jason added evergreen trees to his stock and offered a planting and delivery service. While juggling school, his family and friends, his ever-growing business, and his girlfriend, Shannon, Jason had his hands full.
During the summer of 2003, at age 20, Jason was taking up approximately one acre of his parents land with around 200 new, and larger, trees for sale. He was working full-time at the nursery, in-between his classes at CU, and was employing Shannon’s brother Michael (age 16) to help with the plantings, since his stock had not only expanded in quantity, but in size. After a terrific season, Jason married his girlfriend, Shannon, in August of 2003. After their honeymoon, Shannon decided to quit her part-time jobs and join the business. That year, the couple ordered more trees than the previous year and decided to be open 6 days a week. Jason would take all of his classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Shannon would take hers on Mondays and Wednesdays. They also changed the nursery’s name to CreekSide Tree Nursery because they were selling more trees than plants and CreekSide was significantly easier to say.
By 2007, CreekSide Tree Nursery occupied more than 4 1/2 acres and held nearly 5,000 individual trees and plants. As of 2012, CreekSide has steadily grown, opening a new office space, selling both living and cut-Christmas trees in December, and housing more than 10,000 trees and shrubs during the season. While CreekSide, as a company, is still smaller in size and younger in age than its competition, this little business has been quite successful and prides itself on having a higher quality product for a better, lower price.
Our goal for the future is not to get bigger–it’s to get BETTER.
CreekSide still remains a dream job for Jason (33) and Shannon (32)…and their little one, Elijah. =)
Colorado Tree And Shrub Rentals
If your planning a wedding, reception, party, or special event and need some GREEN to add some life to your situation then we can help.
CreekSide Tree Nursery has 1000’s of Tree’s and Shrub’s available for rental.
There are many reasons you may want to rent plants. Each situation is different and we will help you find the right plant.
- We have plants that are used to screen unwanted views.
- Trees used for creating barriers.
- Shrubs used for table arrangements.
- Add color with flowers or fall color depending on the time of year.
- Use smaller and lighter Tree’s and Shrub’s for areas where the plants need to be carried.
We offer the largest tree rentals in Colorado. Some are so large you need tractors. These events should be planned at least two months in advance, however, we always try to accommodate our customers needs.
Rental Cost
Rental cost varies based on location, number of plants needed, plant variety, availability based on the seasonality, delivery/pickup, labor needed, and individual plant size.
Please contact us with your events date and plant needs or ideas.
Seedlings are not commonly sold by nurseries in Colorado.
At this time, we do not carry seedlings in stock. Why? Time is a direct factor to profit and cost in this business and with Colorado’s climate there are not many ways to profit from seedling sales. Most of the trees grown in Colorado specifically for retail and wholesale markets are grown from whips or “seedlings” brought from facilities that specialize in growing that type of plant material.
While trees can start from a single seed, and can grow that way in Colorado, there are ways to make a product better and save time and money in the process by using saplings or grafting instead. Many of these processes require specialized growing environments. This is primarily why we do not sell seedlings as a normally stocked product.
Special Order
With that said, we can special order most any plant in a small “seedling” size. However, timing is important and larger quantities tend to make it more feasible. Please contact us with any concerns or comments you have on this matter. We can special order plants just like you see in the photo below.

September 12, 2013 – Sadly, CreekSide Tree Nursery was hit very hard by the recent Boulder Creek Flooding. Within a twelve hour period our Nursery was at the mercy of the waves and much of it vanished and was washed away beofre our eyes. In the midst of all the tragedy, however, we are thankful and blessed that none of us were hurt, and that as a small family, we are safe. During the last few days, we have been working diligently to respond to phone calls, emails, and texts, but our first priority is saving the trees and shrubs we have left, while working tirelesly to try and find some of what we’ve lost in nearby lakes and neighboring areas. WE ARE OPEN NOW, but it will take us a long time to get back to where we were and truthfully we are unsure as to how much this may hurt us as we move forward. We are asking for your patience and support during this difficult time, but want you to be sure that we have started a plan and there is hope. With time, support, and a whole lot of physical labor, we plan to emerge from this a stronger and better nursery as we rebuilt it from the ground up. Thank you for all your support, kind words, thoughts, and prayers during this time. It is appreciated more than you know.

As of September 12, 2013 we have been working around the clock to repair the damage caused by the Boulder Creek Flooding. The above photos give you an idea of what we’ve been working with and what’s ahead.
We hope to complete our recovery and rebuild by Fall of 2014.

With the help of friends, family, and countless volunteers CreekSide has fully started our long road to recovery. While the entirety of our cleanup cannot be completed until spring, we are moving forward! We have moved most of the debris from the grounds and have started sorting all the miscellaneous material that was scattered and brought in. We have recovered 100’s of shrubs and trees along the creek and trucked them back to the nursery. And we are almost finished washing every plant and tree of mud and debris.
While much is still broken, missing, or damaged, we have made tremendous progress and it shows. 😉
Below are two links to a few albums full of photos from that historic day. Most of these were taken on the first few days of the flood. It is almost surreal to look at these photos and see how far we have come when not long ago, it was entirely overwhelming.