Trees an Investment

Trees are an Investment?

Increase the value of your home up to 15 percent with mature tree investments and enjoy the benefits now.

Out of all the investments one might make real-estate in Colorado is one of the most consistent and profitable. If you invest a minimum of 5% of the value of your home on landscaping the return could be 150% or more. Sometimes that number can go much higher with key choices in mature trees. If your home’s landscaping is on the low-end for the area and you’re putting it on par with your neighbors, you could be looking at around a 15 percent rise in value. If you invest in big trees you will add much more to your equity. Doing this will increase the curb appeal and help separate your home from the competition. The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. That means planting a larger tree will get you back on track sooner. Plus if you plan on selling in the next few months or years it will make the sale easier. This is a very easy and an often overlooked investment opportunity.

Take a look outside and see where you can add some living investments.

Investments are great. How can I realize the trees value now?

Tree investments have many positive attributes that are available everyday. Trees offer many utilities that are simply enjoyable now and some that result in direct savings. Trees catch rainwater, some of which soaks into the ground, leaving less to overflow gutters and sewer drains. Tree canopies create cooling shade that can lower temperatures—and cooling bills—outside and inside the house. Deciduous trees let sunlight through to warm the house in winter. In one year, a single tree can provide up to $300 worth of benefits in air conditioning, pollution reduction, erosion, stormwater control, and wildlife shelter. Enjoy your yard quicker with the added shade and privacy of trees. No other way is more efficient or cost effective.