Why LARGE Trees?

Why do you specialize in LARGE trees?

This question about tree size is very common and it leads us into a group of our favorite questions to answer. First and foremost, we love, just love, large trees. We love how large trees transform our customers homes and give them “instant gratification.” We enjoy watching birds make nests in our trees because they feel as if they’ve been there for years. We love the feeling we get we plant a large tree in someone’s yard and it looks like it has always been there. Yet, another reason we specialize in large trees is because that’s our niche. We have chosen to specialize in larger than normal trees. In order to do this we have invested heavily into customized equipment to safely and efficient deal with such large trees. We use our own proprietary techniques for care, transportation, and installation that has yet to be matched.  Selling large trees is our passion and because we love this so much we are continuing to innovate. Others try to do everything and tout they are the best at it all. We will let the plants speak for themselves and you be the judge.

CreekSide Tree Nursery has the best high quality hard to find trees and shrubs. We sell trees and shrubs grown specifically for Colorado. We are particular about each plant variety we sell. Our tree nursery does not sell trees or shrubs in sizes that are not suited for Colorado’s climate just to hit predetermined price points such as $99.99. We ask that you put us to the test by visiting other garden centers and nurseries to compare their plant health, selection, and quality to ours. We know our products, processes, and attention to detail is unmatched.

Below are more questions typically asked in conversations about small or large tree sizes.

I want a BIG TREE now what?

BIG TREES or LARGE TREES it is all the same to us. Our goal is figure out what each customer really needs. Almost everyday we get a phone call where a customer tells us they want the biggest or largest tree we have in stock. We used to get very excited, however, over the years we have learned to follow up those statements with better questions. Many times we quickly learn that our idea of large and the customers idea of large are very different things. Sometimes it even turns out the customer actually wants the smallest size we carry. That is why we carry so many sizes and options. Context is king when speaking about trees and their size. We recommend if you do not have much experience with purchasing trees that you visit the nursery as soon as possible to see everything in person. If you have questions visit us and we can answer them.

Is a large trees survival rate after install the same as a smaller trees?

As far as survival rates for larger trees—yes, your new large tree has just as good of chance, if not a better one, of surviving an installation as a smaller tree does.

CreekSide Tree Nursery only sells healthy, properly pruned, root pruned, and correctly-dug trees. Over the last 20 years we have developed a reputation for detail and quality. Each year many trees that do not meet our test of quality are passed up. We pay close attention to our tree grafts and root stocks because we want only the most hardy root systems. We also monitor each root ball and only dig in direct proportional ratios to the size of the tree’s trunk. Due to these types of practices each tree has the same chance of survival from the beginning. Larger trees have larger amounts of essential roots developed and stored within the root ball. A larger root system makes the trees survivability skyrocket as it’s less reactive to stressos from installation, weather changes, and pests. In essence, it has a large reservoir of life to pull from just in case. This is kind of like having a larger battery for storage to last during the tougher times of the season. Small trees have such a small amount of essential roots developed that they tend to need a lot more care initially. This can lead to small or short-term isolated events killing a small tree while sparing the large tree. Even missing a single watering can prove detrimental for a small tree. A larger tree, however, isn’t as dramatically affected so suddenly. A Large tree will allow you more time to react to a situation before damage or death.

Will a small tree catch up and surpass a large tree?

Often we hear people say that friends have told them that “a smaller tree will thrive and grow faster than a larger tree and, thus, catch up to the larger tree in no time.” And that “while the larger tree will take longer to establish its roots and, thus, remain the same size for many years, the smaller tree has be ‘catching up’ with it during the same time-frame.” The thought behind this is, “Why buy a larger tree, when you can invest a smaller amount and know the trees will each be the same size in a few years?” Well, we disagree. First of all, the larger tree will not remain the same size for many years: In five years, a larger version of the same tree will, undoubtedly, be larger in size than the smaller tree. But many times a few years isn’t just five. Some tree grow quickly, others take 10+ years to really develop and take off. Therefore, some trees will always be dramatically different in size if planted at varying ages. Others might look relatively close in age over longer periods time.

In addition to the trees growing at different rates, when you plant a larger tree, you get a large tree on day one! There is no waiting for it to get the size you want. You get to enjoy the shade, privacy, or utility right away. Most people don’t want to plant trees for the next owners of their homes; therefore, you shouldn’t plant a tree that you won’t get to enjoy because of its smaller size. We see this happen with many small trees. People move out of their home before the trees ever did what they were intended to do. Even though a larger tree does cost more money, you’re only paying what is fair for its age. At our nursery, we not only have a high quality, large tree selection, we guarantee to have the best price in all of Boulder County. Thus, know that you’re making a good decision in your tree purchases and feel confident that you’ve done your research.

The last reason we try to explain is in regards to the trees form, shape, and branching. We are actively pruning all our trees to create the highest performing trees for our difficult Colorado climate. Colorado is very windy and has extreme weather. A younger tree will not have the pruning or care that our more mature trees have. You will need to prune your younger trees and create the shape yourself or pay a tree service or arborist to prune your trees yearly. If they are not shaped and pruned properly they will not be nearly as pleasing in the long run. These costs can add up very fast. Trees that are not properly pruned for our Colorado temperament will be more difficult for the owner as time goes and will be the first to go in a storm. With our trees you get the best possible starting point so all you have to do is follow our guidance.

Are large trees a good investment for my home?

As for the tree being a good investment… There are many people who ask us first and foremost for a “fast-growing tree” because they think it’s the best way to go when deciding what tree to plant in their yard. They usually tell us time is of the essence. Yet, as with most things, there are prices to pay for “fast-growing trees.” For one, the faster the tree grows, the softer the trees wood. The softer the wood, the more likely the tree is to break in winds and snows. Also the faster they grow typically means the faster they die. We love Quaking Aspen trees because they are fast growing and cost less money. Our issue is that most people forget they on live 15 to 25 years. For some this many not matter but for others this could be a concern considering you homes long-term value. People do not often consider the cost for tree removal or the benefit of doing it once and doing it right. In the long run the money you spend on your tree is less important than the time wasted. You will make more money but not more time. When you come into the nursery you do not need to know anything about trees. All we ask is what you want to accomplish with you new tree. Let us take care of finding a well cared-for tree so that you can focus your energies on finding a larger tree, rather than one that just grows fast. For your money, time, and overall investment, a larger tree is a better choice than a “faster” tree every time.